Friday, November 23, 2018

"Mr. Benny Stackers and his Slackers," a children's poem.


  1. Ha! Yes, I remember this. I can see you reading this to a class of little ones, Jarrod. :)

    1. Oh, Jarrod, Wow! I so enjoyed and loved this poem! It's so rhythmic and visual. I always enjoy your voice. You make a poem com alive. I can tell you enjoyed this too! Jarrod, you did a beautiful job reciting your piece! This can be made into a children's book. It gives me our culture with a a Dr. Seuss vibe. Well done my friend.

    2. Wow! Dr. Seuss? I know if that caliber will ever be reached by me, Frankie, but I'll accept your compliment nonetheless. Yes, I did enjoyed writing this piece, and it was easy to do because the inspirations were so powerfully strong at the time. Thank you for responding, my friend.

    3. Now, there's an idea, Charles, one that I would happily exercise. Thanks.
