Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Burn Rubber 
March 13, 2008

(Note: This piece was inspired after seeing a handsome photograph
of the late race car driver, Dale Earnhardt, kneeling by a stock car.
Source: The March 13-19, 2008 edition of "Go" magazine, which
appears in the Thursday editions of The Huntsville Times. The said
photo of Earnhardt was taken by one Buster Walker, circa 1977.)

The kneeling of a speedster captured my mind to mull over what
moments he had at that time.
Perhaps his weight over the danger and electricity of his occupation
pressed varied feelings for his station.
Man designed to ride, to drive intently, force to black-chalk asphalt
to make his mark distinctly.
The love of racket for breaking through the clear force of his nature,
(Zoom!) making those close to the tornadic with sonic booms.

© 2008 Jarrod C. Lacy

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